Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Food, Food, Food (Part 2)

..aand lets continue with our culinary journey..hold on tight and enjoy the ride, Hands to the side, no food tasting I'm sorry


Sushiii!!!  This is at favourite Japanese restaurant! I love their chicken wings, one part is stuffed with sausage and mayo, and the drummett is cooked with ginger or something, and then fried..delicious!

Salmon favorite!! So far the best tasting sushi I know is in Wagamama
Food set.  I think its Fried Salmon..very yummy


Rojak Jawa ..or you can call it Peanut Sauce Spaghetti if you want, its basically peanut sauce cooked in spices and poured over a boiled yellow noodles, and then other dish are added, like meat, boiled eggs, tofu, cucumber and bean sprout. Very delicious.
Soto, or meat noodle soup...I forgot where this is, but I dont think it tasted that great for that dish.

Nasi Lemak rice cooked in coconut milk and added anchovies sambal, boiled eggs and other side dish like fried chicken....if done right, its the most delicious thing..I like it really really spicy
Close up!
and this is one of the most delicious Watan Ho I've ever was at Kundasang restaurant..
another version of Watan Ho, only this one is called Wet Noodle...3 guesses as to why its called that :p
Nyonya Laksa! At Palm Square....Just by looking at this you can almost feel your artery and heart being suffocated by the oil and fats that in it,  buut I wont let that get in a way of an amazingly good meal!
Ekonomi rice..or rice buffet dish..sort're given a plate of rice and you can choose from the variety of food on display..then they'll charge you according to what you take

CONCLUSION :  we have good food here *nods*                                                                             

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