Wednesday, September 8, 2010



I've found this article here that explain much of what the fruit is :-

Reviled by some, worshiped by others, the one thing that remains certain about the durian amidst all the controversy is that it there's absolutely nothing else like it on the face of the earth.

I would like to quote a British naturalist named Alfred Russel Wallace who wrote in 1856 :
“The five cells are silky-white within, and are filled with a mass of firm, cream-coloured pulp, containing about three seeds each. This pulp is the edible part, and its consistence and flavour are indescribable.
A rich custard highly flayoured with almonds gives the best general idea of it, but there are occasional wafts of flavour that call to mind cream-cheese, onion-sauce, sherry-wine, and other incongruous dishes. Then there is a rich glutinous smoothness in the pulp which nothing else possesses, but which adds to its delicacy.
It is neither acid nor sweet nor juicy; yet it wants neither of these qualities, for it is in itself perfect. It produces no nausea or other bad effect, and the more you eat of it, the less you feel inclined to stop. In fat, to eat durians is a new sensation worth a voyage to the East to experience …as producing a food of the most exquisite flavour it is unsurpassed.”
Extracted from ‘On the Bamboo and Durian of Borneo’ by Alfred Russel Wallace (1856)

"Your breath will smell as if you'd been french-kissing your dead grandmother."
-Anthony Bourdain

Please note that Anthony Bourdain said that while finishing a whole fruit of Durian and doesn't seems to be the least reviled by it, in fact he said that it tasted good, making pleasure sounds ...while extolling the bad qualities of the fruit...dunno if I should hate or love that guy for that scene alone was on his  'Cook Tours'  TV show.

Simply put, its a fruit with hard thorny exterior and the most glorious flesh inside.  And I couldn't find any words to describe the superiority of this fruit, the addictive quality of  'once is never enough' and the life changing experience this fruit brings...I'll just copy it from somewhere else :P

''...The initial pungent, onion-like aroma was definitely present in the taste, and for a moment overshadowed everything. But then, the horde of sweeter and more layered flavours nestled in the soft durian flesh rushed to the front. Berries, caramel, banana, buttered popcorn and roasted nuts all swirled together in a custard-like texture, while the underlying bitterness still remained. What had to be the strangest aspect of the whole experience was how quickly my initial revulsion gave way to intrigue: my curiosity had been piqued and I needed to go back for more to explore specific flavours I’d missed on the first go ’round. I quickly realised how one could come to appreciate durian in the way one does wine or scotch, always trying different varieties and seeking out particular notes.

More than anything, I was instantly overcome with the strength and power of the flavour, rather than the specific taste itself. I’ve never eaten anything that was so unapologetically strong. Tasting durian’s a little like being mauled by a bear: the bear’s certainly not going to give you any account of what it did or why, and so it’s up to you, in your battered condition, to try to piece the story together.."


Durian is also known for its 'heating' nature.  If you ate it too much, it can cause your body to overheat, sweating, nose bleed,  and sometimes dizziness.And also its not to be mixed with few other consumables, like beer or sodas..especially within 5 -10 hours of consuming Durian.  It could cause death.. Alcoholic and ppl with heart disease or few other serious ailment should stay away from this food, it could be deadly.

Some argue due to the danger caused by eating Durian, and the limitation that one have to face while eating this fruit (most limit themselves to eat only about 5 seeds of Durian to be on the safe side) made it a very
sought after know how people like to do something that is forbidden or dangerous :D

CONCLUSION : Durian is the King of fruits!!

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